ICanHear Overview
To push frontiers of knowledge in hearing research, digital signal processing and hearing instrument technology, ICanHear has built an interdisciplinary network of five academic and two industrial institutions, bridging traditional research areas. ICanHear recruited 14 doctoral and five postdoctoral researchers with different backgrounds including audiology, biomedical engineering, information technology and physics, to train and prepare them for the future scientific workforce, which will become increasingly interdisciplinary.
Research in ICanHear focused on paving the way towards the next generation of hearing aids and cochlear implants (Cis) with improved user experience in complex acoustic environments. The research activities were structured around three themes: Modelling of neural signal processing in the impaired auditory system, Evaluation of hearing instrument processing and aided hearing and Application of new strategies for improved communication. Two central components of the project, the Open Development Platform for Signal Processing in Hearing Aids (ODP) and a common framework for the real-life evaluation of digital signal processing algorithms (CES) have enabled research fellows to develop real-time implementations of signal processing algorithms for audio signals and to evaluate these algorithms with respect to their user benefits.
Through the tight integration of academic and industrial partners, the research fellows were familiarized with various stages of product development and were provided with motivation and skills to move from academic research to product development.
Watch the ICanHear film to learn more about ICanHear. In the video members of the network share their view on the project and their research within it.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no 317521.